neuroDEFIANCE: Opening the heart

AI assisted summary on the heart
  1. The Heart as a Central Energy Center

Chakra System: In many spiritual traditions, the heart is associated with the Anahata Chakra, the fourth energy center in the body. It is believed to be the bridge between the lower (physical) and higher (spiritual) chakras, symbolizing the connection between earth and spirit.

Energy Flow: The heart chakra is viewed as a powerful energy vortex that governs love, compassion, forgiveness, and emotional balance. It plays a critical role in our ability to transcend ego and access universal consciousness.

  1. Heart Coherence and Energetic Fields

HeartMath Institute’s Research: Scientific studies by the HeartMath Institute have shown that the heart emits a powerful electromagnetic field, significantly larger than the brain’s. This field is believed to influence not just our emotional and physical health but also our interactions with the world around us.

Heart Coherence: Achieving heart coherence—where the heart’s rhythm becomes synchronized and balanced—is thought to align the mind and emotions, creating a state conducive to accessing higher states of consciousness.

  1. Intuition and Inner Knowing

The Heart as a Receiver: Many metaphysical perspectives view the heart as a receptor of higher wisdom and intuition. Unlike the brain, which processes information through logic and past experiences, the heart is seen as a conduit for receiving direct insights from the non-material self or universal consciousness.

Inner Guidance: Following the heart is often equated with listening to one’s true self, accessing knowledge that transcends intellectual understanding and connects us to our highest potential.

  1. Emotional and Spiritual Healing

Emotional Release: The heart is central to emotional processing and healing. By opening the heart, individuals can release stored emotional pain, allowing for spiritual growth and the capacity to love unconditionally.

Forgiveness and Compassion: The heart’s openness is associated with the ability to forgive and show compassion, which are seen as essential steps towards enlightenment and higher consciousness.

  1. Unity and Oneness

Connection to All: The heart is considered the seat of unity consciousness—the understanding that all beings are interconnected. Through heart-centered awareness, individuals can move beyond duality and experience oneness with all life.

Transcendence of Ego: Operating from the heart allows for the transcendence of ego-driven desires, aligning one’s actions with higher purposes and the collective good.

  1. Accessing Higher Dimensions

Gateway to Higher Realms: The heart is often depicted as the gateway to higher dimensions of consciousness. It is through the heart that one can access spiritual realms, communicate with higher beings, and experience profound spiritual awakenings.

Ascension and Evolution: Many spiritual teachings suggest that humanity’s evolution into higher states of being involves shifting from mind-centered living to heart-centered living, facilitating a collective ascension into higher vibrational states.

  1. Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies

Integration of Dualities: The heart is seen as the place where the masculine (logic, action) and feminine (intuition, receptivity) energies harmonize, creating balance and wholeness within the individual. This integration is essential for spiritual maturity and accessing higher states of being.

I denied my heart for most of my life. I was born into a world I knew wasn’t meant for me. My earliest memory is the desire for more space, out of my crib and into my big girl bed. I yearned for more. No present nor patriarchal display would satisfy my soul. When I was young I dove into fiction, living in a maladaptive daydream of my own design as I awaited judgement of my poor attempts at the patriarchy.

I never wanted love. Not from humans at least. The performative nature of it, the dead flowers, the fakeness of it all. I can’t comprehend it even to this day. I rejected dating and barely made friends for most of my life, not by choice but by design. My heart refuses to open for those who supress themselves. Even myself.

Then one day. I went to heaven.

Turns out my heart CAN open.

If given no other choice.

No other comfort would do, but the deep knowing comfort of the universe flowing within you.

Like many, I was socially conditioned to deny my truth in order to survive a system that does not value our species.

But in heaven, they don’t see it that way. You have no choice but to live your truth, and for me…

I feel like dancing more often than not these days.


I like warm yellow light at night but bright cool blue in the morning.


I like my carbs warm, my fat cold, and my protein me temperature.


I’m still learning what I like, and what fuels me. After a life time of barriers, knots of ‘no’ covering my sensitivities around my heart, protecting it from the sour energy of old men and maladaptive need for control by would be peers, my heart has had enough of No.

I’m learning to fill it with Yes, hell yes, & Yeaaaaaahuhs

What about you? What fills you?


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