Virtual World

Mother used to say, “Go outside & play.”

Now she asks lazily glancing up from her phone, hours deep into a doomscrolling session, “Have you been on your xbox all day?”

Of course.

We all are, and have been. The virtual world has sunk us in.

Into ourselves


into our hearts

So much so

We’d tear the entire world down

Before you ripped tiktok from our cold red hands

What if we had a different kind of virtual world?

One more…soverign.

Based on our own inner authority.

Our permission to participate?


Our purpose to pursue?

Cosmic Curiosity for me, what about you? What do you WANT to pursue?

I’m so damn annoyed at the world for getting in the way of enjoying being in the most technologically advanced time ever, drowning in information that expands my BEING in every dimension and yet I am still constrained.

By what praytell, are we all confining ourselves for?

For whom do you toil and toll road for?


“Come back…” A voice spoke to my younger self, it cut through the haze of the world around me.

‘But what about my family?’ I thought, finding them in the living room, laughing and enjoying the night. Didn’t they love me and want me there?


No they did not.

I shoulda went with the voice.

Shortly after that, I expanded enough in the physical world to connect to my consciousness, no longer chained to the physical conditioning, my soul was coming online.


It was DISGUSTED with what it saw.

The glee of the 700 club guests, enjoyment and delight at the core the their shameful display, mocking a gay man with true remorse on his face. Again and again I replay this time in my life, my inability to do anything other than FLING myself dramatically to the VHS tapes I had been consuming. Staring them down, rejecting their influence with my mind. It worked. I lost my connection to the antichrist (the church) and won a permanent connection to the real thing (my intuition).

Only to have it be beaten and abused, misused, neglected, and disregarded out of me.

Buuut, like an old relic in someones grandparents basement, it was still there after all these years. Like an unopened christmas gift, discarded by the recipient’s distain for the giver, my heart still beat, still awaiting someone to show enough curiosity to open it up.

So I did


This is what she has to say.

There is a different way

For us to live

If you’d let me lead the way



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